Dalibai took samadhi on Tuesday, Bhadon Sudi 9 Vikram Savant 1515 (1459 A.D). Then just 20 feet away from Dalibai’s samadhi, Bhagvan Ramdevji Maharaj himself took samadhi on Thursday, Bhadon Sudi 11th (1459 A.D).
Before taking samadhi, Bhagvan Ramdevji Maharaj announced 24 divine commands (24 Farmaan), and thereafter his last words were:-
“My dear devotees! On Sudi 2 of each month celebrate Patotsav and spend the night chanting, and praying and performing pooja. This will be called Jama Jagran and every devotee attending the Patotsav will feel my presence. Every year celebrate Mela on Bhadon Sudi 10th and 11th. The prasad offered on the 10th will be mine and the prasad offered on the 11th will be for Bhairavsinh. Do not uncover my samadhi under any circumstances. Those who will pray to me with pure hearts their wishes will be fulfilled by me. Wherever there is Jyoti of ghee, Googal incense and a white flag, that will be considered as my pooja ”.
After going in to samadhi, the mortal body of Bhagvan Ramdevji Maharaj disappeared and the samadhi got filled up with earth. Then, on this was built the samadhi (tomb) and later on the samadhi a temple was constructed in red stone.
Ramdevji Maharaj had two sons, and a daughter who was born four months after Ramapir took Samadhi. The princess was called Chandrakunvarba and was married to Hapaji, the son of Gogadevji of a small village in Satarva. Ramdevji’s elder son, Saadaji who later left Ramdevra established a new village called Saada. This village is 15 km from Ramdevra and Saadaji’s descendants still live in Saada. Ramdevji’s younger son was called Devaaji who in turn had two sons Ranoji and Bhanoji. The Samadhi temple of Ramapir is handled by the descendants of Ranoji. Bhanoji’s descendants get a portion of the income from the Samadhi temple of Ramapir . The present income from the temple is divided into 750 portions for the descendants of Ranoji and Bhanoji. The present Gadi-pati is Raoji Shri Jaswantsinhji Tunvar.He is the known sixteenth descendant of Ramdevji and he lives in Ramdevra.
Baba Baalnath’s Tree of Disciples
The tree known as Baba Baalnath's Tree of Disciples as shown here clearly illustrates the prominent followers of Bhagwan Shri Ramdevji Maharaj. Millions of people follow Ramapir in various parts of the world e.g. Africa, Asia, Australi a , New Zealand , U.S.A. , Canada and of course Europe .
We will look into a few from India who have sacrificed their lives to achieve the so called eternal bliss through their devotion to Maha Dharma or Nijiya Dharma. This is the Path of self-consciousness and the followers of this path consider it to be the root of Sanatan Hindu Religion. It is also known as Maha, Nijiya or Nijar Panth or Dharma.
Baba Baalnath’s Tree of Disciples
The tree known as Baba Baalnath's Tree of Disciples as shown here clearly illustrates the prominent followers of Bhagwan Shri Ramdevji Maharaj. Millions of people follow Ramapir in various parts of the world e.g. Africa, Asia, Australi a , New Zealand , U.S.A. , Canada and of course Europe .
We will look into a few from India who have sacrificed their lives to achieve the so called eternal bliss through their devotion to Maha Dharma or Nijiya Dharma. This is the Path of self-consciousness and the followers of this path consider it to be the root of Sanatan Hindu Religion. It is also known as Maha, Nijiya or Nijar Panth or Dharma.
Dali bai
There are no historical records available on Dali bai. She was known to be the only daughter of her parents, Sayar Jaipal Meghavar and the mother Sonabai. She looked after the cowsheds of Ajmalji Maharaj. Later she returned to work as a cow herdsman. She took Samadhi in Vikram Savant 1515, on Tuesday Bhado Sudi 9th (1459 A.D.) in Ramdevra, two days before Ramapir's Samadhi day.
Maldev - Rupande
In V.S. 1515 (1459 A.D.) Rao Jodha Raval built Jhodpur in Rajasthan. In V.S. 1544 (1488 A.D.) Maldevji was enthroned. He was a kind-hearted ruler. He conquered Ajmer and Nagor. He built a fort in Sirohi. His wife was Rupande. They met Jesal - Toral on Ashadh Sudi 2 at a place called 'Dhanva Tekra' on the border of Kutch and Marwad in Rajasthan. Then they went on a pilgrimage to Ramdevra and on their return brought Jesal - Toral as guests. Maldevji ruled for 41 years up to V.S. 1585 (1573 A.D.) Both the king and queen were sincere devotees of Ramapir and became famous for their efforts to spread the message of Ramapir throughout Rajasthan.
Jesal – Toral
Historically there are no details available about Toral. Where no such details are available on some well-known women, they are considered as cursed fairies. Hence, some people say that Toral was a cursed fairy. Others believe she was the one weighed with a bundle of wood after birth. Who then was Toral? In essence, Toral was a supernatural woman in the early 15th century (V.S. 1500) who became a stout devotee of Ramapir. In a town in Saurashtra (Gujarat ), Sansatiya Kaathi, a Rajput Thakur, spotted her. He becomes a follower of Toral and pleads with her to stay with him. After a time, she came to the town of Sansatiya Kaathi and lived with him.
Sadhir Sheth a well-known rich horse-trader joined in devotion with Toral. His supplier of horses was a Jadeja Rajput from Anjar in Kutch known as Jesal during the period V.S. 1600 ( 16th century). Following the incident where Jesal was caught “red - handed” steali ng a horse from the stable of Sansatiya Kaathi, Jesal becomes a follower of Toral. Later, Toral travels to Anjar with Jesal. Both lived together in Anjar and spread the message of Ramapir in the form of Nijiya Panth (Path of Self - Consciousness) in Gujarat and to some extent in Rajasthan.
Following the meeting with Maldev - Rupande on Ashadh Sudi 2 at “Dhanva Tekra”, they became the guests of Maldev - Rupande in Jodhpur . According to a belief that a Pir of Nijya Panth must be a married man, Jesal promises Maldev - Rupande to get married. Then they return to Anjar. Jesal takes Samadhi at some point between V.S. 1620 (1546 A.D.) and V.S. 1628 (1572 A.D.) at Maha Vad 13th or Maha Shivratri. Toral was attending Savra Mandap (a religious gathering of all people, including a Holy Communion of devotees of Nijar Panth, on one platform, without any discrimination of race, colour , caste or creed) on Girnar. Toral, upon hearing the news of Jesal having taken Samadhi, she returns immediately. On the third day she reaches Anjar. By this time Maldev - Rupande and other Nijiya Panth devotees had reached Anjar. Maldevji reminds Toral of the promise by Jesal to get married. Toral pleads with Jesal to awake. Jesal awakens and fulfils his promise by getting married to Toral who then joins him in Samadhi. Hence you can see joint – Samadhi of Jesal - Toral in Anjar.
Bhatti Harji

Harji Bhatti was a Rajput born in the year V.S 1757 (1701 A.D.) in a small place called Pandit’s Dhaani. On your way by railway from Jhodpur to Ramdevra, there is a Railway station called Osia. Pandit’s Dhaani is 13 km north- east of Osia.
Harji’s father was called Ugamshi. Harji was only fourteen when his father passed away. He was eighty years of age when he took Samadhi. The poetry of Harji Bhatti was a work of praise to Ramapir and symbolises his devotion to Ramapir. He went from village to village on foot in Rajasthan. His aim was to bring back awareness among people of their ideas of Ramapir related to Maha Dharma.Harji’s Samadhi is in his home village. The present Gadipati is Jayadasji Guru Bhurdasji and is the eighth in line of succession.