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what can the gita do for you?

The Gita is actually a Parv or chapter of Maha-Bharat, the great epic depicting Dharm-Yudh between people following right and wrong, originally written by Vyasa Dev Rishi. Spread out in 18 chapters, the Gita very comprehensively covers the summary of the vast Hindu/Vedic scriptures (Veds, Purans, Upanishads).

The central message of the Gita is conveyed through role playing between Shri Krishna and Arjun.  Overall speaking, the entire compostion is a beautiful conversation betweenShri Krishna, representing the Param Tatva or Supreme Spirit and Arjun, who represents an ordinary person caught in the entanglement of worldly life/existence.

What makes the gita eternal and universally applicable?
The thing which makes ‘Gita’ eternal is its universal appeal across religions and the ability to foster the spirit of commonness across different races and geographies. As Shri Krishna says: I am seated in the heart of every living entity. He who sees me in everyone truly sees.

BUT it’s significance is immense in the sense that it treats a wide range of deeply abstract topics, which we often forget to ponder over, like:
  • The concept of Brahman/consciousness/existence
  • Manifestation of Brahman in different entities/life forms
  • Differentiating & Prioritizing between perishable and non-perishable results
  • Different paths for spiritual elevation as per personal temperance
  • What is the importance of sacrifice?
  • How many kinds of sacrifice are there?
  • Explanation of different personal qualities (Sat/Raj/Tamas qualities) and how does it tie to the family surroundings that you are born into?
  • Differentiation between divine and demoniac qualities?
  • How and why is one reborn?
  • How to break away from the vicious cycle of worldly rebirth?
  • What happens after death? Does one get human body after death?
  • Practicing Un-attachment to Karma?

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