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what does shrimad bhagvatam puran recommend for liberation?

क्रतेयत ध्यायते विष्णुम, त्रेताया यजतो मखै | द्वापरे परिचार्चायाम, कालो तत् हरी कीर्तनात  | |

In Sat yug, meditating on Lord Vishnu or Hari is recommended. In Treya yug, yagna and sacrifices (karma kaand) are recommended. In Dwapar yug, elaborate temple worship and in Kali yug, chanting the names of the Lord Hari is recommended.

So What should we Do?
What better way to recite the names of the Lord through a combination of melody and devotion? Listen to || Bhajan-माला || at any time to attach your heart to the glories of the Lord and Param-atma. The more you listen, the more your heart will be attracted towards the glory of the Ishvar and you will gravitate towards the universal vision talked about in the Shrimad Bhagvat Gita.

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