

In Vikram Savant 1515 Bhadrapad Sudi Thursday 11th, Bhagvan Ramdevji Maharaj took Samadhi. This is when he delivered his last message and the 24 Farmaan (24 divine commands), to his devotees.

1. Mother Menade the handout

When was the embodiment of Hadve Rug Ramdev to live the Queen Mennawatie Ajmal have to tell this news. Queen came and saw two boys in the crib, one of the Virmadeo Menade pregnant mother who was born and Ramdev was sleeping. See Mother Menade concern fallen in their minds. They do not understand the Lord's Leela no magic - witchcraft began to understand. At the same time boys are Uafne Ramdev milk in the kitchen to get the cool look and the mother of Leila doubt his mother Menade ended Ramdev he gladly took his lap.

2. Rupa tailor the piece of paper

Baba Ramdev as a child my mother insists on Menade Mangwane the horse had. Refusing to explain the child at the very end of Ramdev Harkar tired parents for them a tailor (Rupa Tailor) ordered a dress and make the horse as well as the tailor.

The horse to make the precious textiles. Go home and sin, came to mind and he's tailor-made garments instead of the expensive clothes of the Puar (patchwork) be used to create the horse and the horse by making the mothers gave Menade. the clothes horse of the mother Menade giving the child Ramdev told him to play, but the tailor Dhoakdhdi Ramdev Awathari male was known.Atःuanhone decided to teach a lesson to tailor the horses that were flying in the sky. See it in their minds Menade mother began to panic, he immediately grabbed the tailor asked to bring. Tailor asked about the horse so he brought her mother and child Menade ask for forgiveness from Ramdev said that she is the only horse Dhoakdhrie and further pledged to do so. Ramdev Ji come back down to earth to hear the excuse and the tailor asked to do so in the future.

3. Bhairav monster slaughter

Ramdev Ji was the small village of the Pokhran around great terror of the monsters was called Bhairav. Wherever he lived called him twenty-four miles around are not used in any human or animal. Giant monster that was a concern for all people.Many people fled their home because of the monsters were.

With the entire people - living with the King Ajmal himself was troubled by the beast. One day in his palace in connection with the terror of the demon Bhairon were talking about child Ramdev came there and he heard the case.They kill Bhairav decided to erase the burden of sin from the earth.

The next day to play ball with his friends were out of the house. Play - play Balinathji they reached the hut, where the demon Bhairon often had to come.See here were nervous and their Balinathji Ramdev Bhairav avoid monsters for a Ghudrie (blanket) asked the hide.

Bhairav monster detected the odor of man and the coming of the Ghudrie Akichne thought, but it grows like a rip of Dropdi Ghudrie only got to see the Bhairav confused in mind and take away from there. Ramdev began to flee after the beast and the beast was captured and put an end to the sinner and pushed into a cave.

4. Candy made salt

Once upon a time in the city called a Lahkhu "Bonjara" bullock cart race on his business came to sell candy. He related to your business then do not tax was paid. Ramdev to tax defaulters to the cause when he asked Bonazare He touted the fact saying that it is salt, and salt does not make any tax and felt it his business to see Ramdev Ji to teach him a lesson Bonazare salt changed all her candy.After a while all the people in the name of salt due to give her gripe was the beating he recalled Ramdev apologized and pledged to pay tax to.

Ramdev narrowly soon arrived and all the cool people said that it regrets for his mistakes, so I forgive it, and then he turned to gripe all the salt.

5. The piece of paper five Peroan

Baba Ramdev that popularity began to spread not only Rajasthan but all over the world.They not only Hindus but Muslims were Dhyane. Hearing this the five PIR Ramdev Ji of maize Runicha came to take the test. He met Ramdev Ji. Ramdev them.
Pero Pancho invited food but also rejected the invitation saying that we do food in their bowls and bowls that we have forgotten in Mecca.

Ramdev Ji Mauskac the heart, and understand that all the peer to take his test to come here. Ramdev Jyoanhi Pashare his hands in front of the Pancho Pero Uanhi the bowl spot. Then again Ramdev urged to take the food.
Pancho peer Lord saw that Leila heart, began to repent. He Baba "saint of Pero Rmshapeer" and "Hianduapear" won the title and took leave from there.