
Lord Krishna says

Uddhav Gopi Lila implies

Lord Krishna says ....

The wise little man "Sankhy-yog" and "Nishkam karma-yog" understand the different and not fully learned man, one of the two men both located in the best way to achieve results is as the ultimate accomplishment. (Gita 5 / 4)

Which is obtained by Sankhyyog, the same is received by Neshkamkarmayog, so that the results in terms of both human Sankhyyog and Neshkamkarmayog sees one, can not see what the real truth is. (Gita 5 / 5)

Neshkam karma-yog: - duty to act without attachment to outcome appears by the knowledge, knowledge is produced and the quietness after the receipt of these two is the realization of devotion, bhakti is the realization of God, the process "Neshkam karma-yog" he says.

Sankhy-yog: - Results from attachment to duty after the completion of action is holding up the quietness, the quietness and wisdom appears after the receipt of these two is the realization of devotion, Devotion is the realization of God, the process "Sankhy-yog" he says.

Both actions the state has to in any case, these two routes enter only by God's grace is able to get it, these two routes of the human life as the ultimate accomplishment is the realization of God.

God's grace is able to achieve only the best way to do their duty actions, so each person before their earthly duty to master the learning of action must, to any person without the duty to act both paths can not enter, these routes enter without the realization of God is impossible.

Duty to act without a single person can not hold without renunciation, a person without knowing his duty to act if action is mystified by the world of sin and virtue, birth and death is constantly receive.

Duty to act without holding a renunciation is made, or enlightened by understanding their duty of deeds is discarded or abandoned pursues his duty as God's worship is the object of the individual self is the enemy.

The world itself, but does not like that person, nor is able to be God, he is hung like a hanging in the middle, life is neither male nor female body achieved the body is able to be obtained.Gopiayan female body was Streyoan knowledge and detachment, but does not appear to have the knowledge and renunciation Similarly Gopiyoan was then but did not appear, devotion to Lord Krishna Gopiyan nature had provided their child, the child That devotion was granted the work in Gopiyoan not desire to wake up, it works in devotion, passion is the biggest obstacle. Thus Gopiyan knowledge, renunciation and devotion due to three perfect Parmhans state had been located.

Uddhav was the male body, the men in the full knowledge and detachment is located in the work that men do not desire, knowledge and renunciation in Uddhav had already appeared, Lord Sri Krishna Uddhav Radharani nature of the devotion to provide was provided was so devotional as Radharani Uddhav knowledge and detachment was located in full so he was entitled to receive devotion and devotion after receiving the Parmhans it was located in the state.The Leela's biggest secret is that God has taught it that there is no difference in men and women, but the two are different religions that are complementary to each other, a man can get the education of man and woman can not meet, and a woman can get the education of men can not get the woman.

Until then, anyone who can not get to God unless he is not receiving Parmhans stage, knowledge, renunciation and devotion Parmhans condition is known as the perfect stage, the Parmhans condition is called as Gopi sense.

Knowledge and devotion only get the quietude receive first grow, to achieve without the knowledge and renunciation is impossible to meet without devotion,To get the ultimate goal of human life, respectively, is more need for three Guru.

1. Physical Guru,
2. Spiritual Guru,
3. Sadguru.

Guru physical education has to us the duty to act, the spiritual Guru of us trained to have knowledge and renunciation, is the realization of the visiting Sadguru that any body of devotion to God himself that we provide are do.

Physical Guru: - Every person born with physical Guru meet, according to age and educational change. The education of all Guru deeds give us the duty of the world.

The first Guru of the person her mother, father second Guru, Guru and the third are teachers, according to teacher education are changing, then after marriage the husband and wife are each other's Guru, A person than the way we ask our Guru for some time that person becomes, thus numerous physical Guru are made.

Spiritual Guru: - Find the person performing duty actions are making spiritual Guru, the Guru's word to hear is called Satsang, which seems to disappear by the spiritual knowledge of the person's ignorance, ignorance die with the same detachment begins to be generated Guru only person to complete the full faith and trust is able to be stable.

Sadguru: - the person's full devotion and complete faith in Guru is stable as the Guru Sadguru for the body of the man appeared and introduced himself as God's own self-offer, by making and experience warrant, the person If faith is the whole body of the person as a charioteer of the chariot are God himself, here located in the body is free of organisms present the results of karma.

He also all living creatures in the body is free of the outcome of the current action, the organism present in the body of your past karma with the results sacrificing the enjoyment of the body continual ultimate abode of God is able to enter, where reaching any creatures The world does not come back. That's the only goal of human life.

Uddhav and there is no difference in Gopiyoan, Uddhav, the following people who understand and recognize the best Gopiyoan big fool them and other crimes in the world, no one else can.

Devotion in the world is known, that whatever other actions are in the world as their common object is the real devotion is derived.

|| Hari om tat sat ||

1 comment:

  1. ये तो प्रेम की बात है ऊद्धव,
    बंदगी तेरे बस की नहीं
    यहां सर दे के होते हैं सौदे,
    आशिकी इतनी सस्ती नहीं
    प्रेम वालों ने कब वक्त पूछा
    उनकी पूजा में, सुन ले ऐ उद्धव
    यहां दम दम में होती है पूजा
    सर झुकाने की फुर्सत नहीं है
    ये तो प्रेम की बात है ऊद्धव,
    बंदगी तेरे बस की नहीं
    जो असल में हैं मस्ती में डूबे
    उन्हें क्या परवाह ज़िंदगी की
    जो उतरती है, चढ़ती है मस्ती
    वो हकीकत में मस्ती नहीं है
    ये तो प्रेम की बात है ऊद्धव,
    बंदगी तेरे बस की नहीं
    जिसकी नज़रों में हैं श्याम प्यारे
    वो तो रहते हैं जग से न्यारे
    जिसकी नज़रों में मोहन समाये
    वो नज़र फिर तरसती नहीं है
    ये तो प्रेम की बात है ऊद्धव,
    बंदगी तेरे बस की नहीं
    यहां सर दे के होते हैं सौदे,
    आशिकी इतनी सस्ती नहीं
